Mipa 2K Clear Lacquer Spray 400ml

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1 ml = 0.11 €

1 ml = 0.11 €

Mipa 2K clear lacquer spray is a top quality lacquer. High UV protection, which perfectly withstands even heavier wear.

Mipa's 2K clearcoat is a high-quality and easy-to-use two-component clearcoat that gives you a very durable and bright surface for the paint.

Activate the varnish by pressing the pin on the bottom of the bottle to the bottom, so that the spray bottle releases the hardener into the varnish. Place the bottle upside down on a sturdy surface before performing this procedure. After activation, stir the jar carefully so that the ingredients mix well together. In terms of durability, the product is completely comparable to sprayable 2K clear varnish.

  • Drying time: Dust dry in 10-15 minutes, touch dry in 4 hours, completely dry in 24 hours when the temperature is 20 degrees.
  • Usage time: 5-6 hours
  • Temperature: at least +10C
  • Floors: 2-3
  • Intermediate evaporation: 5 minutes

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